Bachelor of Science in Radio-Television-Film

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Bachelor of Science in Radio-Television-Film

The Bachelor of Radio-Television-Film degree blends filmmaking fundamentals with a robust media studies program, providing an in-depth understanding of the historical, cultural and global contexts surrounding film, TV and digital media, as well as hands-on production experience. Students are able to pursue a variety of career paths in the entertainment industry or creative arts, with upper division courses that allow them to specialize in directing, producing, editing, sound design, screenwriting, media studies and more.

RTF Degree Catalogs

The Bachelor of Science in Radio-Television-Film degree comprises 120 credit hours.

Core Curriculum 
A specific combination of coursework in English, Government, American History, Math, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Fine Arts. 

Major requirements 

  • A minimum of 39 and maximum of 54 hours of major-specific coursework in the department.
  • At least 21 hours of major-specific coursework must be upper-division.

Moody College of Communication requirements 

Please see adjacent Course List for the degree requirements. 

The Bachelor of Science in Radio-Television-Film degree comprises 120 credit hours.

Core Curriculum 
A specific combination of coursework in English, Government, American History, Math, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Fine Arts. 

Major requirements 

  • A minimum of 36 and maximum of 48 hours of major-specific coursework in the department.
  • At least 21 hours of major-specific coursework must be upper-division.

Moody College of Communication requirements 

Please see adjacent Course List for the degree requirements. 

The Bachelor of Science in Radio-Television-Film degree comprises 120 credit hours. For specific course requirements for the degree, download a degree checklist on the right. 

Core Curriculum 
A specific combination of coursework in English, Government, American History, Math, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Fine Arts. 

Major requirements 

  • A minimum of 36 and maximum of 48 hours of major-specific coursework in the department
  • 12 hours of lower-division coursework in RTF are required: RTF 307, RTF 308, RTF 317, and RTF 318.
  • At least 21 hours of major-specific coursework must be upper-division; 9 hours must be from a specific list of upper-division media studies courses (see below for full list) 

Moody College of Communication requirements 

Please see adjacent Course List for the degree requirements.

The Bachelor of Science in Radio-Television-Film degree comprises 120 credit hours. For specific course requirements for the degree, download a degree checklist on the right.

Core Curriculum
A specific combination of coursework in English, Government, American History, Math, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Fine Arts.

Major requirements

  • A minimum of 36 and maximum of 48 hours of major-specific coursework in the department
  • 12 hours of lower-division coursework in RTF are required: RTF 307, RTF 308, RTF 317, and RTF 318.
  • At least 21 hours of major-specific coursework must be upper-division; 9 hours must be from a specific list of upper-division media studies courses (see below for full list)

Moody College of Communication requirements

Please see adjacent Course List for the degree requirements.

RTF Courses


RTF 301D        Media Storytelling and Analysis

RTF 302D       History of Media Industries

RTF 303D       Media and Culture

RTF 304D       Introduction to Film Production

ONE of the following are required*

RTF 330N       Internship in Media Industries

RTF 350L        Semester in Los Angeles Internship

RTF 350N       Semester in New York Internship

9 hours from the following:  

RTF 321C         History of American Television

RTF 321D         Film History to 1960

RTF 322D         Film History 1960 to Present

RTF 323C         Screening Race

RTF 324C         Introduction to Global Media

RTF 327C         Digital Remix Cultures

RTF 328C         Gender and Media Culture

RTF 331K         Film, Video, and Television Theory

RTF 331P         Topics in New Communication Technologies

RTF 331Q         Topics in Digital Media

RTF 335           Television Analysis and Criticism

RTF 342           Topics in Global Media

RTF 342S         Topics in Global Media

RTF 345           Studies in Film History

RTF 347D         Media Industries (all topics)

RTF 347F         Topics in Media Studies

RTF 347P         The Business of Hollywood

RTF 347S         Topics in Media Studies with Screening

RTF 352           Global Media and Area Studies

RTF 359           Studies in Media and Culture

RTF 359C         Media Archaeology

RTF 359S         Studies in Media and Culture

RTF 365           Topics in Media and Society

RTF 368S.2      Media Studies Thesis

RTF 370           Film Analysis and Criticism

RTF 377H         Advanced Topics in Media Studies

RTF 377S         Advanced Topics in Media Studies with Screenings

F A 346             Inside the Arts of New York City (UTNY program only)

15 additional hours of RTF courses 

*Only 3 hours from the following may count toward this requirement:

RTF 650L Semester in Los Angeles Internship 

COM 650L Semester in Los Angeles Internship

RTF 650N Semester in New York Internship

COM 650 Comm Internship -UTNY-WB


RTF 307           Media and Society

RTF 308           Development of Film and Media

RTF 317           Narrative Strategies and Media Design

RTF 318           Introduction to Image and Sound

9 hours from the following:  

RTF 321C         History of American Television

RTF 321D         Film History to 1960

RTF 322D         Film History 1960 to Present

RTF 323C         Screening Race

RTF 324C         Introduction to Global Media

RTF 326C         Tech Culture

RTF 328C         Gender and Media Culture

RTF 331K         Film, Video, and Television Theory

RTF 331P         Topics in New Communication Technologies

RTF 331R         Topics in New Media

RTF 335           Television Analysis and Criticism

RTF 342           Topics in Global Media

RTF 342S         Topics in Global Media

RTF 345           Studies in Film History

RTF 345C         Experimental Media and the Art of Disruption

RTF 347C         Topic 1: How Hollywood Works

RTF 347D         Media Industries (all topics)

RTF 347P         The Business of Hollywood

RTF 352           Global Media and Area Studies

RTF 359           Studies in Media and Culture

RTF 359S         Studies in Media and Culture

RTF 365           Topics in Media and Society

RTF 368S.2      Media Studies Thesis

RTF 370           Film Analysis and Criticism

RTF 377H         Advanced Topics in Media Studies

RTF 377S         Advanced Topics in Media Studies with Screenings

F A 346             Inside the Arts of New York City (UTNY program only)

RTF 350L         Semester in Los Angeles Internship

COM 350L       Semester in Los Angeles Internship

RTF 650L        Semester in Los Angeles Internship (3 hours only)

COM 650L       Semester in Los Angeles Internship (3 hours only)

RTF 650N       Semester in New York Internship (3 hours only)

COM 350        Comm Internship -UTNY-WB

COM 650        Comm Internship -UTNY-WB (3 hours only)

15 additional hours of RTF courses 

**Only 3 hours from the following may count toward this requirement:

RTF 650L Semester in Los Angeles Internship 

COM 650L Semester in Los Angeles Internship

RTF 650N Semester in New York Internship

COM 650 Comm Internship -UTNY-WB


RTF 307           Media and Society

RTF 308           Development of Film and Media

RTF 317           Narrative Strategies and Media Design

RTF 318           Introduction to Image and Sound

9 hours from the following:  

RTF 321C         History of American Television

RTF 321D         Film History to 1960

RTF 322D         Film History 1960 to Present

RTF 323C         Screening Race

RTF 324C         Introduction to Global Media

RTF 326C         Tech Culture

RTF 328C         Gender and Media Culture

RTF 331K         Film, Video, and Television Theory

RTF 331P         Topics in New Communication Technologies

RTF 331R         Topics in New Media

RTF 335           Television Analysis and Criticism

RTF 342           Topics in Global Media

RTF 342S         Topics in Global Media

RTF 345           Studies in Film History

RTF 345C         Experimental Media and the Art of Disruption

RTF 347C         The Business of Media (all topics)

RTF 347D         Media Industries (all topics)

RTF 347P         The Business of Hollywood

RTF 352           Global Media and Area Studies

RTF 359           Studies in Media and Culture

RTF 359S         Studies in Media and Culture

RTF 365           Topics in Media and Society

RTF 368S.2      Media Studies Thesis

RTF 370           Film Analysis and Criticism

RTF 377H         Advanced Topics in Media Studies

RTF 377S         Advanced Topics in Media Studies with Screenings

F A 346             Inside the Arts of New York City (UTNY program only)

RTF 350L         Semester in Los Angeles Internship

COM 350L       Semester in Los Angeles Internship

RTF 650L        Semester in Los Angeles Internship (3 hours only)

COM 650L       Semester in Los Angeles Internship (3 hours only)

RTF 650N       Semester in New York Internship (3 hours only)

COM 350        Comm Internship -UTNY-WB

COM 650        Comm Internship -UTNY-WB (3 hours only)

15 additional hours of RTF courses


**3 hours from the following may count toward this requirement:

RTF 650L Semester in Los Angeles Internship 

COM 650L Semester in Los Angeles Internship

RTF 650N Semester in New York Internship

COM 650 Comm Internship -UTNY-WB


RTF 307           Media and Society

RTF 308           Development of Film and Media

RTF 317           Narrative Strategies and Media Design

RTF 318           Introduction to Image and Sound

9 hours from the following:  

RTF 321C         History of American Television

RTF 321D         Film History to 1960

RTF 322D         Film History 1960 to Present

RTF 323C         Screening Race

RTF 324C         Introduction to Global Media

RTF 326C         Tech Culture

RTF 328C         Gender and Media Culture

RTF 330K         Introduction to Research Methods

RTF 331K         Film, Video, and Television Theory

RTF 331M        New Communication Technologies

RTF 331N        The Information Society

RTF 331P         Topics in New Communication Technologies

RTF 335           Television Analysis and Criticism

RTF 342           Topics in Global Media

RTF 342S         Topics in Global Media

RTF 345           Studies in Film History

RTF 345C         Experimental Media and the Art of Disruption

RTF 347C         The Business of Media

RTF 347D         Media Industries (all topics)

RTF 347P         The Business of Hollywood

RTF 352           Global Media and Area Studies

RTF 359           Studies in Media and Culture

RTF 359S         Studies in Media and Culture

RTF 365           Topics in Media and Society

RTF 365C         Media and Policy

RTF 365D         Media Literacy

RTF 368S.2      Media Studies Thesis

RTF 370           Film Analysis and Criticism

RTF 377H         Advanced Topics in Media Studies

F A 346             Inside the Arts of New York City (UTNY program only)

RTF 350L         Semester in Los Angeles Internship

COM 350L       Semester in Los Angeles Internship

RTF 650L        Semester in Los Angeles Internship (3 hours only)

COM 650L       Semester in Los Angeles Internship (3 hours only)

RTF 650N       Semester in New York Internship (3 hours only)

COM 350        Comm Internship -UTNY-WB

COM 650        Comm Internship -UTNY-WB (3 hours only)

15 additional hours of RTF courses 


**3 hours from the following may count toward this requirement:

RTF 650L Semester in Los Angeles Internship 

COM 650L Semester in Los Angeles Internship

RTF 650N Semester in New York Internship

COM 650 Comm Internship -UTNY-WB


Students should choose courses in the core curriculum and in the major requirements that also fulfill their major department's Flag requirements. The Flags required for all degrees from Moody College are:


  • Bring a student's total hours to 120
  • Students can also fill elective hours by declaring a minor. Students may declare only one minor or certificate to supplement their Moody major(s) and must declare their minor/certificate intentions before they have completed 65% of their degree requirements.